Privacy Policy

At AWARE, the confidentiality of our clients is important to us. This Privacy Policy discloses how we manage data, primarily, data collection, and the use of the website.

The Privacy Policy covers the actions on the AWARE website. The privacy policy is relevant to all site visitors relating to the information circulated on the AWARE website.

This policy does not apply to data acquired through channels other than this website.

If you have any questions concerning the AWARE privacy policy, please feel free to contact us.

Log Files

The AWARE website has a standard process for managing log files. The files record users when they visit the AWARE website. All hosting companies utilize analytic hosting services. Log files get IP addresses, browser data, Internet Service Provider (ISP), timestamps, landing pages, and CTR. Log files assist in the analysis of trends, site management, tracking of user movements on the website, and the collection of demographic data.


As with other websites, AWARE uses cookies. These cookies collect data such as user choice and visited web pages.

Third-Party Privacy Policies

AWARE's privacy policy does not apply to third parties, including other advertisers or websites. We, therefore, recommend that you check with your respective third parties for additional information.


By using the AWARE website, you, as a user, hereby consent to our Privacy Policy and its terms and conditions.

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